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ул. Октябрьской Революции
д. 354а, 2-й этаж
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Yummy Smoothies

Yummy Smoothies

Группа Next Move 1 делится с вами рецептами смузи и молочных коктейлей! Изучили тему «Еда», узнали, как составить рецепт и создали свои собственные! Готовимся к лету! Какой рецепт выберете Вы?

Daria Bodnaruk

How to Make Fruit Smoothie

What you need:

100 ml of milk

110 ml of sugar

1 banana

10-12 raspberries

First, chop the banana. Put the banana into a blender. Next, add raspberries and milk. Blend for thirty seconds. Finally, pour the mixture into a glass. You can add sugar.


Anna Chizhikova

How to Make Pink Smoothie

What you need:

15 strawberries

125 ml of milk

15 raspberries

1 pineapple

15 grapes

2 bananas

500 gr of sugar


First, chop bananas, grapes and a pineapple. Put them into a blender. Next, add strawberries, raspberries, cocoa, and milk. Blend for thirty seconds. Then, pour the mixture into a glass. Finally, drink it!

Alevtina Perova

How to Make Fruit Smoothie

What you need:

100 gr of oranges

100 ml of milk

110 ml of sugar

100 gr of banana

100 gr of strawberries

First, chop the fruits. Put this into a blender. Next, put the milk and sugar into a blender. Blend it! Then, pour it in glasses and put it in the fridge. Finally, after 5 minutes you may drink smoothie.

Anna Chizhova

How to Make Chocolate Milkshake

What you need:


Chocolate ice-cream


Melted chocolate

Chocolate bar

First, pour milk in the blender. Next, add chocolate ice-cream, cocoa and melted chocolate. Then, blend it. Finally, pour the milkshake in a cup and drink your delicious chocolate milkshake.

Anton Nechaev

How to Make Chocolate Milkshake

What you need:

Some milk

3 bars of chocolate

Some cocoa

First, chop the bars of chocolate, add the cocoa and milk. Next, mix it. Then, put it into the fridge. Finally, take it out in one hour and drink it.

Ivan Fadeev

How to Make Chocolate Milkshake

What you need:

Some milk

Two bananas

1 mango

First, chop the bananas and a mango (if you want, you can add some more). Next, mix it. Then, pour it and blend it. Finally, your milkshake is ready! If you want, put it in a fridge, and in 10 minutes take it out and drink it!

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