г. Коломна
ул. Октябрьской Революции
д. 354а, 2-й этаж
Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 20:00
Сб-Вс с 10:00 до 16:00

Все за скидками! Или где совершить выгодную покупку.

Ноябрь-декабрь - время распродаж! И в этот период торговые центры предлагают нам огромный выбор различных товаров по довольно заманчивым ценам. Но все ли магазины одинаково хороши? Выходя из какого, можно уверенно сказать: “It was a bargain!”? В этом нам помогут разобраться специалисты из группы Next Move 3, которые провели сравнительный анализ некоторых торговых марок.

“As any girls, we like buying clothes because we want to look beautiful and fashionable. That’s why we decided to compare our two favourite shops – NewYorker and Befree. First, NewYorker is much bigger than Befree. There are usually much more people and it’s too noisy, music there is often too loud. Befree is quieter than NewYorker and shop assistants are really friendly. Besides, the clothes in Befree is more beautiful and interesting enough for modern teenagers. You can buy there a cool pair of jeans or a jumper of higher quality than in NewYorker. But NewYorker has cheaper prices. So, if you want to have a bargain, NewYorker is your choice.” (Sophie, Masha)


“Two of the most popular brands in Kolomna are O’stin and Sela. But what’s the difference between them? First, O’stin is bigger than Sela and it has more shops in Kolomna. The interior there is more beautiful and stylish, and shop assistants are kind enough. We think that Sela is too expensive, as we can’t afford to buy some clothes there. But O’stin is not only cheaper, it also has a bigger choice of cool beautiful clothes: jeans, trousers, shirts, T-shirts, skirts, dresses, jumpers, and even hats and bags. We also find O’stin more interesting than Sela because it sells really fashionable clothes for all ages.” (Kira, Varya)


We all love eating. And we want to compare two most popular supermarkets in Kolomna – Atak and Diksi. In our opinion, Atak is much better than Diksi. First, Atak is bigger and there are a lot of friendly and kind shop assistants. As the prices are cheaper in Atak, it is often too busy and noisy enough. But Atak sells more fresh food than Diksi and there are a lot of different products for home and housework. We usually buy there pasta, rice, fruit and vegetables, bread and dairy products. And the quality of this food was good enough. So, our favourite is Atak.” (Vanya, Volodya)