г. Коломна
ул. Октябрьской Революции
д. 354а, 2-й этаж
Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 20:00
Сб-Вс с 10:00 до 16:00

Весенний “fashion look” от группы Discover 1

Весна – время ярких красок и хорошего настроения. И какая же весна без новых нарядов? Студенты группы Discover 1 поделились своим виденьем последних трендов в моде. Одежда на любой вкус и цвет. Наши юные кутюрье еще принимают заказы, так что торопитесь!


“This is Kristina. She’s wearing a jumper with colourful flowers, blue jeans and black leather shoes. You can wear these clothes in spring when it’s sunny but windy. It’s the best clothes for every day.” Alyona

“This is Angie. She’s wearing light blue jeans with holes, a white T-shirt and cool trainers (they are very comfortable!). It’s the best clothes for a picnic.” Lolla

“This is Alla. She’s wearing an orange vest and blue shorts. Her shoes are yellow. And this is Lisa. She’s wearing a purple T-shirt and white jeans, her shoes are white. You can wear these clothes when it’s sunny. It’s the best clothes for the summer party.” Kira

“This is Rarity. She’s wearing a pink dress with a red bow and red shoes. You can wear this dress in a hot and sunny weather. It’s the best clothes for every day – in the city, in the mountains, at the seaside and at school. It can change the colour: in the evening it’s pink and red, in the morning it’s blue and white.” Sophie

“This is Kate. She’s wearing a white and green dress. It’s very special, it’s made of paper. You can colour it – red, blue, yellow, pink. It’s very light and beautiful. You can wear this dress when it’s sunny and hot. It’s the best clothes for a birthday party.” Dasha

“This is Spring Queen. She’s wearing a red and white ball dress, white gloves, a gold crown and white shoes. This dress is very beautiful. It has a lot of hearts and the skirt is like a flower. You can wear this dress when it’s sunny and hot. It’s the best clothes for a wedding. It’s great!” Sophia