г. Коломна
ул. Октябрьской Революции
д. 354а, 2-й этаж
Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 20:00
Сб-Вс с 10:00 до 16:00

Уголок покупателя, или шоппинг отзывы от Caterpillar City

Все любят делать покупки, и наши студенты из группы Next Move 3 – не исключение. На что же были потрачены карманные деньги подростков? Были ли эти покупки выгодными? Обо всем этом вы можете узнать из их отзывов, и, возможно, тоже захотите приобрести стильный пенал, ультрасовременный телефон, модель танка или забавный кошелек. 

“I bought a pencil case last month. It costs 150 rubles. When I bought it, I had a colour choice: black and white or blue and purple. But I chose a black and white one because it looked more stylish. I like my new pencil case because it’s beautiful, comfortable and cheap. But my pencil case has one problem: the paint can peel off. In general, I think it’s a good bargain because I really needed it and it was not very expensive.” Vika

“I want to tell you about my mobile phone. It’s Huawei GR-3. It costs almost 10.000 rubles. The choice in the shop is not big: the colours are grey and gold. I like my new mobile phone because it’s the biggest one in my ‘story of phones’. Besides, there are a lot of functions: you can not only make calls, but you also can play games, surf the Internet, download music and videos. It also has a good camera, so I can take photos of my family and friends. In my opinion, Huawei GR-3 is a great mobile phone!” Kirill

“Last week I bought a model of a tank. It costs € 28 in the sale. The tank is yellow with green stripes. It has a gun, but it can’t shoot. The tank is 20 cm long and it’s very light. You can put the tank on the shelf and look at it and be happy, or you can play with it. However, it has some problems. When you play with it, some parts of the tank can break and it will be very difficult to fix it. But I think it’s a good bargain because it’s cheap and it was interesting to make it.” Gleb

“This is my new purse. It costs € 7 in the sale. It’s white, black and yellow. And a pretty owl is drawn on it. It’s really beautiful. The purse is small, but you can put a lot of money there. I like this purse because it’s small and I can put it in my bag or into the pocket. You can put coins, notes and credit cards in the purse. It’s really good. This product hasn’t got a lot of problems. One of them is a bad zip, but I fixed it and now it’s working very well. In my opinion, this purse isn’t the best. However, at € 7, I think it’s a good bargain!” Dasha

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