г. Коломна
ул. Октябрьской Революции
д. 354а, 2-й этаж
Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 20:00
Сб-Вс с 10:00 до 16:00

Студенты группы Islands 3 решили создать собственные бейджи. Все как у взрослых!

Sasha: My name`s Sasha. I`m nine. I was born in April. My favourite food is chips. 

Arina: My name`s Arina. I`m nine. I was born in July. My birthday is on the 31st of July. My favourite toy is a toy dog. Its name is Lipa. My favourite weather is when it`s stormy.

I`m funny! 

Uliyana: I`m Uliyana. I`m nine. I was born on the second of May. My birthday is in May. My favourite food is apples. My favourite colours are pink and purple.

Sergey: My name is Sergey. I am nine. I was born on the seventh of July. My favourite food is pasta. My favourite toy is lego. My favourite season is summer. 

Nikita: My name is Nikita. I`m nine. I was born in March. My birthday is on the fourteenth of March. Cat is my favourite animal. My favourite colour is blue. 

Iliya: I`m Iliya. I`m 9. I was born on the seventh of July. My favourite day is Friday. 

Lera: My name`s Lera. I`m 8. I was born in October. My birthday is on the 17th of October. My favourite toy is a teddy bear. My favourite colour is pink.

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