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Проект "Lost Pet" в английской группе Discover English 1

Чрезвычайное происшествие произошло в группе Discover English 1! Пропали наши любимые питомцы - ручные гусенички. Но ребята не растерялись и написали объявления о своей пропаже.

Help us find our little friends! Reward 100 euros!

“Roza the Caterpillar”

She is small, thin and good-looking. She has got a pink body, long hair, green eyes and a big mouth.

Kira 79986142”

“Secret the Caterpillar”

He is big and fat. He has got brown stripes on his green body. Secret has got a big head, small eyes and a big mouth. His legs are fat and long.

Dasha 89859903”

“Banan the Caterpillar”

He’s like a rainbow: blue, green, red and yellow. And he’s very friendly. He’s got red eyes and black hair.

Lyosha 91642832”

“Kaen the Caterpillar”

He’s big and colorful: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. He’s fat. He’s got a big head, blue eyes and a very big mouth. He hasn’t got any legs.

Daniil 78512417”

“Mimoza the Caterpillar”

She’s neither big nor small, but she’s fat and funny. She’s got a small head, big eyes and a small mouth.

Sofia 85201371”

“Anna the Caterpillar”

She’s long, small and good-looking. Her body is small, but her head is big. She’s yellow, blue, red and orange.

Alyona 19162542”