г. Коломна
ул. Октябрьской Революции
д. 354а, 2-й этаж
Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 20:00
Сб-Вс с 10:00 до 16:00

Пробуем себя в роли сценаристов!

Группа  Gold Experience A2, посмотрев мультфильм Room on the Broom, написали сценарии приквелов (что произошло до истории в мультфильме….) и сиквелов (….и  после).

Smirnova Maria


Title: Beginning of Friendship

Once upon a time a wicked witch was walking in the forest and saw a cute kitten. When she saw the kitten, she loved it at once and she became kind. She took the kitten to her castle and they travelled around the world.


Title : The Witches’ School

The witch and her friends opened the magic school to learn spells and potions. The first school day began. The first lesson was the lesson to learn potions. The witch teaches how to make flowers’ potion. One student did something wrong and BANG! Some students left out the school, but some stayed inside. Unfortunately, all our main characters, except the Cat and the Frog, died.  

Bodnaruk Daria


Title: Room on the Broom. Beginning

In the forest there was a small house. In the house a little witch lived with her mother. One day her mother gave her a magic wand. The little witch was very excited. She decided to walk in the forest. She heard meowing. She turned around and saw a little cat. She decided to take it in her house. Now  they are the best friends.

Chizhova Anna


Title: How They Met

Once upon a time in a small town a little girl lived. She was very kind and friendly, but in this town there weren’t many children and she didn’t have many friends. One day her mother asked her to collect wood in the forest. But she warned her about the wicked witch who lived near the forest. The little girl went to the forest. When she came home, she saw the wicked witch who wanted to eat a kitten. The girl felt her power and put spells on the witch. She brought the kitten to her house. When she grew up, she knew a horrible secret: people in her town wanted to catch her. In the end the witch took her cat and left the town.


Title: Life Without the Broom

They travelled all around the world, but people didn’t like them. In one town people wanted to burn them, but they left this place. There the witch left her broom and they couldn’t travel. They decided to build a house in the forest far away. They lived there and people and animals went to them for treatment. One day the witch healed the king and he presented her a broom which was her broom. They were happy! They travelled around the world. In the end, people loved the witch and her friends.

Nechaev Anton


A wicked witch lived in the small town. Once upon a time the witch met a cat. She wanted to kill it, but he said “Meow!” The witch took it to her house. That’s how they became friends and they started travelling around the world.

Perova Alevtina


Title: Room on the Broom. Beginning

A witch lived in the forest with her granny. Her parents died when she was very small. Her granny taught her magic. One day the witch walked into the forest and heard a noise. In the bush there was a little kitten. She took him with her. The witch and the kitten grew up together and went to travel around the world….


Title: Room on the Broom 2

The friends flew to the forest and built a big house. First, they went to collect some berries. They also played and had fun. Then they found an egg. It was unusual and big. After that, they took this egg to the house and put it to the warm place. After 3 months the egg cracked and inside there was a dragon. He was very kind and cute. The witch and the animals had a new friend.

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