г. Коломна
ул. Октябрьской Революции
д. 354а, 2-й этаж
Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 20:00
Сб-Вс с 10:00 до 16:00

О, спорт, ты – мир!

“Hello! We’re Nastya and Milana.

We study English in Caterpillar City and we also love sports. We’ve enjoyed sports and done lots of different activities either at school or at the sports centre. We’ve played volleyball and we have tried synchronized swimming. Maybe, we are not the best players in the world, although we’ve got some local awards.

We haven’t liked every sport that we’ve tried. One sport that we hate is basketball because it’s so dangerous. It was terrible, and we hated every minute of it. We don’t want to play basketball again.

Some people don’t like doing sport, but they enjoy watching it. There are lots of exciting sports programmes on TV. Our friends and we like watching some quiet sports like ice skating or swimming.

We haven’t tried any extreme sport yet. And we’ve just bought a special ball so that we can start space hopper racing. Perhaps you’ll see us in the next alternative Olympics.”


“Hello! We are Kirill and Vika.

We both go to Caterpillar City, and we both like studying English. But our attitude towards sports is a bit different. For example, Kirill has already tried such sport as football and he still attends the basketball club and takes part in the local competitions. As for me, I’ve tried only playing volleyball, which I really enjoyed. But Kirill didn’t like it and gave up some years ago.

Although there are a lot of other sports, so we’ve decided to try mountain boarding because we want to try something new and exciting. As soon as we found some sport TV programmes about this unusual sport, we started training. Perhaps, we’ll succeed in it.”


“Hi, there! We’re Gleb and Julia. 

We’re big fans of healthy lifestyle and we’ve tried lots of different sports.

 We both like ice hockey and running. Maybe, we’re not the best sportspeople in the world, but we’ve got a lot of awards.

We both hate basketball because the basket is usually too high for us to throw a ball into it.

We want to try sleighing because it’s funny and exciting. Besides, we like snow and winter. So, if you want, join us! It’ll be great!”


“Hello, everyone! We’re Dasha and Eugene. We love studying English and we also like sports. We’ve always enjoyed skiing because it’s really interesting and funny and you can fall and lie on the snow. It’s hilarious!

But we think that football is extremely boring because you only need to kick a ball. And that’s very silly when twenty-two adults just run around the pitch. Though, it may be typical only for the Russian football.

So, these days we would like to try extreme ironing as it’s really useful for you and it’s very exciting. We want to iron some clothes on the top of Mount Everest and at the bottom of the Red Sea. Perhaps, you’ll see us on TV one day.”


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