г. Коломна
ул. Октябрьской Революции
д. 354а, 2-й этаж
Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 20:00
Сб-Вс с 10:00 до 16:00

12 апреля 2016 года исполнилось 55 лет со дня первого полета человека в космос

Студенты группы Discover English 2 подготовили проект, посвященный 55-летию со дня первого полета человека в космос, узнали об истории создания памятника Юрию Гагарину и возложили цветы к его мемориалу в Коломне.

Gagarin Street appeared in Kolomna in 1961, the year of his first space-flight. Yuriy Gagarin was the first person in the world to fly to space. His spaceship was called “Vostok”.

The monument was opened on 14 April, 1978 in Kolomna by a pilot-cosmonaut, twice hero of the Soviet Union Pavel Popovich. That was the year when people celebrated the 17th anniversary of Yuriy Gagarin’s first space-flight.

The memorial was made by an architect Abuladze and by a sculptor Kadjaya.The big metal ring is a symbol of a spaceship orbit. In the inner side of the ring there’s Yuriy Gagarin’s head in bronze. There are different pictures made of metal on the ring. They are all about space and people, stars and rockets.


There are Yuriy Gagarin’s words on the memorial: “The stars are moving closer. They are approaching because of the soviet man’s will who is a creator, a dreamer and a hero. ”